Comment from Daniel Stauffer

Document ID: NOAA-NMFS-2009-0244-0244
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
Received Date: March 05 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: June 8 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: February 19 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: April 23 2010, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80ab58f7
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I just saw the proposed leatherback sea turtle MPA zone off the Washington/Oregon coast and appreciate this forum to provide comment. As someone who makes his living selling recreational equipment to marine users and an agent for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW) selling fishing and hunting liscenses, I believe I have some insight on how this proposed closure area would affect the local and state economies that rely on recreational activites for their livelyhoods. A closure of the size and magnitude proposed woud be absolutey disastrous not only for the small coastal communities, but for the entire state sport fishing industry. Any further loss of meaningful opportunties will absolutely cripple the WDFW's ability to manage and protect not only turtles, but listed ESA salmonids,sea birds, and any and every other form of fish and game under their juristriction. Bugetary constraints in the state of Washington, and the nation, are forcing wildlife managers to cut staff, limit monitoring and enforcment programs,and too many other worthy efforts to mention here. As some one who raises those same funds through licsence fees and excise taxes on purchases I can give you every assurance that those monies are desperately needed more than ever. Any drop in those revenues via loss of meaningful opportunity will cripple any positive outcome this proposed MPA might generate, because there will be no funding left to monitor, enforce, or measure it's effects. Thank you again for this forum for comment, and I look forward to working with you in the future to protect the resources of the great state of Washington. Dan H. Stauffer

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