In regards to proposed legislation to create and modify listings of endangered coral species. Please change language to allow possesion and trade of aquacultured(farmed) corals for the marine aquarium hobby. We as a group have focused heavily on aquacultured corals so as to stem the removal of wild coral from our oceans. As written, the simple act of possesing and culturing coral frags of these species would be illegal. This would, could devastate an industry that is trying to do the "right" thing. This is similar to making the distinction of owning a wild caught rare bird versus captive bred. Allowing hobbyists and there supporting industries to culture and distribute these corals introduces more people to their existance and thier plight by showing them what they stand to lose if we as a society dont change. Corals are largely unseen and most people would be unaware of thier beauty without aquariums, both public and private. This coral farming could be utilised to help restock wild populations also. Can we afford to limit any possible help to our reefs or our economies, here or around the world? Please seriously consider a language change to allow the captive growing of corals without restriction as this is the ONLY sure way to stop the taking of coral from the wild.
Comment from m. beaver
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Proposed Listing Determinations for 82 Reef-building Coral Species; Proposed Reclassification of Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis from Threatened to Endangered
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