an ea - environmental assessment is not acceptable for this negative environmental affect promulgated by noaa. an ea is a cheap sloppy inaccurate anlayais. nepa calls for an environmentla impact statemet. eas are cheap sloppy quick surface skimming ways to evaluate effects on environment. govt agencies like to do them so that they can work only for profiteers who rape the environment. that is what is going on here. an eis is more complete and examines in more detail. why is this agency violating the nepa laws?
because they work for commercial fish profiteers who are maraduding, raping the seas so that all stocks are unsustainable and will become extinct. noaa's record in fact is that species after species is vanishing from the earth. noaa sits on its butt while the fish disappear because of the far too large catches, and the far too overcatching commercial fish marauder rapists of the sea. we need to fire noaa. it is not working for the good of the general american public. it is a fraud.
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This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of Northeastern United States: Monkfish; Amendment 5
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