2011 17894 - this plan is negligent in not saving enough fish. this plan is not usable and is simply a scam on the american people who own all of the fish in the ocean. this agency has been regulatorily captured by fish profiteers who run these rules for their overfishing. there is no one on this division representing or protcting the american public from stealing by commercial fish profiteers. this agency does not work for the good of the american people who own all the fish. it works only to let the fish profiteers in this area run wild, getting million dollar boatloads., killing all the marine mammals that depend on having a few fish to eat. these hfuman pond scum fish profiters are killing marine life. they go out and shot seals because tghe seals need to eat a few fish. these human pond scum are not americans and should not be allowed on the sea to fish at all. they trawl, which destroys the ground under the seal for l00 years. they longline with 40 mile long nets, cathing and killing everything under the sea. these profiteers operat eunder the law of the commons - take all you can get, not matter whaqt is sustainable. or not. nmfs is in the grip of these robbers.
Comment from jean public
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska: Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management in Bering Sea Pollock Fishery; Economic Data Collection
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