I am wondering how this will effect those of us in the directed skate wing fishery. I am a state only fisherman and we have a three to four month window to catch these fish . This will destroy my entire yearly income with the stroke of a pen. I see no mention of the states obligations to follow the federal regulations. There needs to be clarification on this. there are two state only vessles in RI that have 90% of the states skate wing history. The state is opting to follow the federal regulations when the states skate landings are deducted from the federal limit before it gets implemented. I am concerned that there is a disconnect between the state and feds as well as some unethical behavior at the council level and the advisory panel level. I oppose implementing the federal regulations on the state skate fishery. This will surely put fishermen in RI at an economic disadvantage. It will also be a violation of the magnuson act. national standard 8.
Thank you
Comment from Jason Jarvis
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of Northeastern United States: Northeast Skate Complex Fishery; Framework Adjustment 1
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