The catch limits for commercial interests are 20 times higher than recreational interests. This is absurd, immoral and economic foolishness. More economic benefit is derived from recreational fishing with far less impact on fisheries. Recreational fisherman have derive no economic reward for raping the resource. Commercial fishermen have every incentive to fish the waters to total depletion. This has happened many times and no one at NMFS seems to even remember.
Blindness and faked ignorance is a poor excuse to continue practices that don't work. You all know the truth, you have the facts and should act accordingly.
I have no faith whatsoever in NMFS policies that allow rapcious commercial harvesting. No one has a
"right" to the nation's resources. Does a plumber have a right to build leaky piping that endangers people? NO!
And not one fisherman has the right to endanger any species, commercial or recreational. Recreational fishing will never endanger a species because it is done for pleasure, not profits.
But I know where this will end and it won't be pretty.
Comment from George Hicks
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic: Comprehensive Annual Catch Limit Amendment for the South Atlantic
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