Mr Glenn Merrill (Attn: Ellen Sebastian)
NMFS, Juneau
Dear Mr Merrill:
Re: 0648-BA37 Catch Sharing Plan
I am in support of the Catch Sharing Plan (CSP). I am a 14 year halibut setline fisherman, and my family is very dependent on this income. I harvest my quota share on my 33' salmon gillnet boat, often using my family as crew.
Fairness demands that the the charter fleet share equally in the conservation burden at all levels of abundance, and the CSP achieves this. A percentage allocation to both setline and charter sectors puts an end to the prior /current practice of nearly unlimited growth by the charter sector at the expense of my family and the rest of the setline sector.
Tha allocation percentages adpoted by the Council in October 2008 are fair because they continue historic consumer access, while protecting the economies of coastal communities, the setline fishery, and providing reasonable access for for guided anglers at all levels of halibut abundance.
The IPHC should be delegated authority toannually set bag and size limits for the charter sector to maintain their harvest at or below their allocation. This is needed for timely decisions to be made within Council guidelines.
The CSP promotes conservation by providing an effective means to control charter harvest and keep it within conservatin targets.
Method B (maximum size selection) is the method most likely to to result in the charter sector staying within allocation and conserving the resource. Managers must carefully monitor charter catches, and select the necessary tools to keep the charter sector on target.
The opportunity for individual charter operators to annually lease "Guided Angler Fish" from individual QS holders at a market price is a very important feature of the plan. It allows an opportunity for larger size fish if their clients desire,or to harvest more than one fish per client during times of one fish bag limits.
Thank you for considering my views.
Comment from William Lindow
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Pacific Halibut Fisheries: Catch Sharing Plan for Guided Sport and Commercial Fisheries in Alaska
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