It seems reasonable, that Spiny Lobster, north of a certain point in the Gulf of Mexico, should not have a closed season, due to the facts that Spiny Lobster do not reproduce or repopulate in the area, but their larva die off, being spawned too far north to propagate.
Also, they are a rare find for those divers who from time to time come across one, and it is a shame that it would be prohibited from harvest due to a season closure, and thus be given to die off naturally, without any one's benefit, nor a benefit to increased stock numbers.
I would suggest that any Spiny Lobster found north of Sarasota County should be free to harvest all year long with out a closure.
Thomas Pruitt
Comment from THOMAS PRUITT
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic: Spiny Lobster Fishery of Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; Amendment 11
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