Comment from Denis Vallee

Document ID: NOAA-NMFS-2011-0252-0005
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
Received Date: December 30 2011, at 10:12 PM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: January 2 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: December 30 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: January 17 2012, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80f8ba58
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After reading document NOAA-NMFS-2011-0252, I would like to submit the following comments, and hope that you are willing to consider amending the rules applying to the size and limits for Haddock in the Gulf of Maine. As a recreational fishermen for over 50 years, I've been fortunate enough to have benifitted from the bounty that is the Gulf of Maine. I've enjoyed fishing with my father, son and daughter, and will soon be taking my grandson out. I fully agree that limits are needed to preserve the fish stock but I don't think the limits placed on the recreatonal fisherman in this ruling will make a significant impact on sustaining a growing Haddock population. From observations of the commercial fishing that takes place in these same waters, It seems to me that it is in this area where new rules should have a greater impact. I fish several times during the season, mostly form NH, often on back to back days, and stay at local hotels and eat at local restaurants. The money spent on these trips adds up for me, but also helps the local economy. I fell that what I put into these trps outweighs what I take, and ask that you reconsider the limits that are in the proposal. Thanks.

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