I am for this rule and believe that it is the responsibility of the nations with private fishing fleets in the region to orchestrate consistent regulation and enforcement measures to ensure that all nations have the ability to sustainably capitalize on the stock of fish in the concerned areas. The proposed rule asks for a one year extension on current regulations concerning the conservation and management of Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna through enforced limits on fishing, the use of FADs, catch retention requirements, and other measures. I think this proposed rule will allow the US to not only act responsibly with regard to international fishing efforts but also to reach out to the other involved nations to create more effective international regulations and enforcement efforts. One of the main issues facing these fish stocks is the lack of accountability for private fishing businesses to act responsibly when there is no incentive or repercussion for over-fishing the region. The US must work with its economic partners to establish a uniform set of standards, rules, and enforcement measures to ensure that the fish stocks are sustainably managed.
Comment from Evan Wilson
This is comment on Rule
International Fisheries; Western and Central Pacific Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species: Fishing Restrictions for Bigeye Tuna and Yellowfin Tuna in Purse Seine Fisheries for 2012
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