noaa just ecently allowed more boats. now they want to retire boats. seems like very very bad noaa mgt. we need new mgt at this agency which servesonly greedy commercial fish profiteers. taxpayers should not be gouged to pay off these greedy commercial fish profiteerrs. only their brethren should be charged. they benefit from this, not taxpayers. also set in place an investigation program to catch the comemrcial fish profiteers who steal 3 times their catch limit, seize their boats for good and put them out of business. there are plenty of those commercial fish profiteers doing exactly that. please send me the ea on this issue. taxpaeyrs say no they dont want to be gouged for an issue thatis not of their making. this issue arises from teh stupidity of noaa which seems to not make prudent decisions for longer than 3 months. they have such frequent meetings obvliously they are not plannig well at all. no profiteer should get a $2.7 million buyout. the max buyout figure should be $500,000. these commercial fish profiteers were lucky to have a license in the firest place sinceall these fish belong to the entire nation, not to them. we need a regulation that says that anybody retiring loses the license. if you retire, you have had it. no passing down licenses.
Comment from jean public
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Second Fishing Capacity Reduction Program: Longline Catcher Processor Subsector of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Non-Pollock Groundfish Fishery
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