Your releases are very difficult to determine what change will occur. I read it, then re-read it. I don['t see any dates for closures. No time period at all. Seems there will be some type of closure, but I can't figure out what. You mention the sizes will stay the same. Can you please spell out what change there is, rather than all the gobilty gook you guys include. Best I can tell, the rec sector will be impacted way more than commercial, by like a factor of 10. Makes sense. Let's take away from the folks that own the resource, the average American, and let commercial for profit folks have the bulk of it. You guys amaze me.
Close the commercial side of this until stocks rebound, if they are even at risk. Your data abilities are somewhat in question. Case in point -red snapper. You guys have no idea how many there are out there in the Guf, that is zero idea, so why would you know how the triggers are doing? Oh, in case you are wondering, the snapper are eating all of the juvenile triggers, that is why there might be a shortage. They are eating everything out there.
Want to improve it all, close it or severely restrict the commercial activities.
How do you guys sleep at night?
Comment from Mark Nicholas
This is comment on Rule
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic: Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Gray Triggerfish Management Measures
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