To whom it may concern;
When I learned in late October that there would be an emergency seabass closure for the second time in four years, the first thought that came to my mind, apart from "not again," was "what emergency." I fish for bottom and wreck dwelling species often, including seabass. One of the reasons that I fish for them so often is how healthy they are. In both size and numbers, this makes them a reliable fishery time after time, year round. It also makes them immensely important to party and charter boats from Boston south to Cape Hatteras; especially in parts of New Jersey and Long Island, where I and so many others fish for them, and where a cod fishery is far from a guarantee.
Access to this robust fishery undoubtedly helps to make not only boats, but also restaurants, tackle shops, and other local businesses function and thrive. Proponents of the measures say that in a few years, there will be a stronger seabass fishery and that we will all be able to enjoy it. The problem is that childcare, credit scores, bills, and mortgage payments will not "wait a few years." Nor, for that matter, will the stock of tautog, fluke, and striped bass that will see more pressure because of the closure and increasingly restrictive regulations in 2013. The damage already wrought by hurricane Sandy and our sluggish economy was more than enough. For that reason, the recreational fishing community cannot "wait a few years" for access to black seabass. We need it sooner, and we need it now.
Thank you.
Comment from Justin Harrison
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fisheries; 2013-2014 Summer Flounder, 2013-2014 Scup, and 2013 Black Sea Bass Specifications; 2013 Research Set-Aside Projects
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