NMFS is raising the ABC on a stock that they do not no if it is overfished or if overfishing is occuring. It was previously clasified as overfished with overfishing occuring but the SSC was strongarmed into changing the determination by NMFS so the loligo fishery can continue waisting small butterfish as by catch.
The loligo fishery wi waistful. Many species of undersized fish are caught and killed by the rediculously small mesh.
The butterfsih stock is so collapsed that the targeted fishery has not caught their quota this year. They did not catch their quota in previous years because the by catch closure closed the directed fishery before the fish were avaiable to southern fishers that used to rely on the butterfish catch in the fall.
Comment from Steve Doctor
This is comment on Rule
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States: Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fisheries; Specifications and Management Measures
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Public Submission Posted: 11/26/2012 ID: NOAA-NMFS-2012-0209-0002
Nov 26,2012 11:59 PM ET