there shoul not be any "full utilization" based on fake, inaccurate, dishonest, lying stock assessments which come from the commercial fish profiteers themselves. they will alsoway tell you there are plenty of fish because they want to catch every last one of them and decimate the stock. they are there to rape the seas under the law of the vcommons. evbery one of those fish belong to every person in this country - they are common for all of us and you are allowing this small specvial segment to steal from the people of the usa. look at how you allowed the new england cod to be decimated. you are alowing that in every region of this country. noaa is horrible lousy "management". it isnt management - its pushover. this mgt for one small segment of american society is wrong. the stocks need to rebuild, not be stolen. what will those fishermen do when they steal all the fish and there are none to catch anymoe. that will happen there with the perch just like it did with the cod./ meanwhile you starve every marine mammal in the ocean.
Comment from jean public
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Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska: Pollock in Statistical Area 620 in Gulf of Alaska
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Nov 13,2012 11:59 PM ET
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