I have been a full-time commercial hook fisherman in New England since 1985, working in the Ground fish fishery and harpooning bluefin tuna, in the both the harpoon and general categories. I briefly held a handgear swordfish permit in the past, but because I was focusing on making a successful living with bluefin and cod & haddock, I was compelled to relinquish the swordfish permit due to lack of landings. I think it is an excellent idea to reinstate these permits for handgear fishermen, because we are seeing swordfish in local waters and need to catch more of our US quota. I also feel that with the well-documented downturn in the ground fish fishery in New England, having another source of income in local waters would be a welcome assistance to small boat fishermen here.
My opinion is that we should have a six (6) fish per day retention in New England because I will be harpooning and most likely this fishery will take place very far off shore in a relatively small boat. To make it worth while per trip, six fish a day would be required. And I also agree with the suggestion that if we are off shore on a two or three day trip, we could advise via satellite the we have caught Day one's limit and will be staying over to catch Day 2's limit, and so on. (for a total of twelve fish per two calendar-day trips, eighteen per three day trip and etc..)
In general, I feel this fishery can be highly regulated and adjustments can easily be made during the season based on what is being caught.
Thank you for your consideration of Amendment 8 of the 2006 Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan.
Greg Walinski
Owner/Operator Fishing Vessel Alicia Ann
Comment from Gregory Walinski
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species: 2006 Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan; Amendment 8
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