I have read the Federal Register information. Based on the information
I am opposed to the approval of the sonar-type activities that are described in
Atlantic Ocean along the east coast of Florida. The information indicates that
science has not yet advanced in the simulation of negative effects to cetaceans
and describes an adaptive management approach to be used to mitigate the
takings negative effects and takings. However, an adaptive management
approach is not recommended for any mammals by most knowledgeable marine
biologists (at least no scientist of whichI am aware). Using adaptive
as a mitigative measure for the negative effects of these training activities on
cetaceans is kin to allowing human subjects to be exposed to chemical warfare
but with a plan to cease the chemical warfare if humans mortality occurs or other
negative effects are noticed. This method has been used in past during wartime
activities and US citizens have been been almost unanimously opposed to this
practice such that it has been banned. To not truly understand the detrimental
effect on cetaceans such that an adaptive management strategy is required
means that these activities should not be allowed at all until the full science for
effects on cetacean has advanced to the point that the true effect is known.
I am opposed in total to the approval of these regulations.
Comment from Frank Marshall, Private Citizen
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; U.S. Navys Atlantic Fleet Active Sonar Training (AFAST)
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