Comment on FR Doc # E8-26447

Document ID: NPS-2008-0005-0006
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: National Park Service
Received Date: November 06 2008, at 01:17 PM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: November 7 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: November 5 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: November 20 2008, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 8079881b
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Although I understand the need to expedite this rule, I do not believe that there is a significant reason given to reduce the number of snowmobiles allowed per day while giving both visitors and guides so little time to adjust for these reductions or to respond to this change which will be in effect for three years and serve as the template for the long-term ruling that will follow. It is stated repeatedly that the proposed reduction to 318 snowmobiles is well below the legal limit and below any limit which would impair the resources of the Park. I believe that the number should remain at 540 until further consideration and notice can be given for such a change. If that means that the number would remain at 540 for three years, so be it. It is stated in the final analysis that there are numerous reasons that the public comment has been reduced to 15 days. These same reasons apply as to why these reductions may not be implemented at such a late date since they will greatly impact both visitors and guides that have already made decisions regarding vacations, equipment purchase, employment offers, etc. If this reduction is implemented, there will be less than 45 days before the opening of this years season. Is it really fair to reduce an operator's daily bookings by roughly 1/3 with that short of notice? I believe that this would drive many businesses out of business within a year. How are they supposed to make or follow a business plan when the parameters under which they are forced to operate are changed at a whim? Many bookings have already been completed for the upcoming season and those bookings were based on higher numbers. If this reduction occurs many potential park visitors will be forced to cancel their vacations. Yet, the rule states that there will not be a significant impact on businesses or visitors. I challenge that statement as being grossly inaccurate and hope common sense will prevail. For these reasons, I strongly propose that this ruling be changed to state that the maximum number of snowmobiles allowed per day is 540.

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