In my opinion there is no need to open up any "new" trails on the North side of the river, or allow bikes on the big hollow trail. Bikes are already allowed on the hike and bike trail, which seems to get only a very small amount of bikes to begin with. Bikes are also allowed on the Sal hollow trail on the northside of the river, combined that is well over 17 miles of trails already open to bikes, and is far more than you will find at just about any National Park. Before building any "new" trails the park service needs to rehab and maintain the trails that already exist. The 50 or so miles of trails open to hikers and horses are badly in need any kind of maintenance. The shear economics of the situation is that there is far more money coming in locally, to a very poor region to begin with, from the horseback riders. The Park service see unwilling or unable accomidate these folks at all, but they are willing to spend millions of dollars to make a unneed new trail for bikes. Futhermore the bikes that choose to ride the road will do so regardless of new trails or regulations because there is a small group of "road" bikers who come to the park specifically to ride the roads. To reinterate, there is already ample recreation available to families and visitors. Vistor safety and road safety will not be affected by these regulations at all. There is already more than enough access to the backcountry for bikes, more than is really warrented. The hike and bike trail already connects the park to a gateway community, but not the one it needs to be connected to, and will not affect people mode of transportion or opportunity for outdoor recreation. Thank you for your time
Comment on FR Doc # 2011-12038
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Special Regulations, Areas of the National Park System: Mammoth Cave National Park
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