As a frequent visitor to Sleeping Bear Dunes, I enjoy the park and the many recreational opportunities it offers. I believe that the proposed rule change to designate the Sleeping Bear Dunes Heritage Trail (SBDHT) for bicycle use would be a great addition to the park. Firstly, it would increase the variety of activities available to visitors. Visitors come to the park to sunbathe, swim, climb the dunes, and relax. However, many visitors do not explore the lakeshore since there is no quick and easy way to do it. By allowing bicycles on the newly built SBDHT, visitors would be more likely to explore and take advantage of other sections of the lakeshore, which would now be accessible by bike. In addition to increased activities, a bike trail at the park would encourage exercise instead of relaxing on the beach, which many people choose to do since there are not other options.
Secondly, the designation for bicycle use on the trail would cut down on the parking lot congestion during the summer months. When the park is busy during hot summer days, parking is at a premium and often times can’t be found if you show up in the afternoon. Access to the park by bicycle from nearby communities could help alleviate the congestion problem. With an alternate way to get to the park, more space would be freed up for additional visitors and there would be a decrease in emissions from motorized vehicles in the park area. If the trail were only designated for pedestrian traffic, coming and going to the park using it would be less popular since it would take much longer and be more strenuous.
One concern that I have is whether the bike lane will be designated on the trail. On busy days, the trail may become dangerous for walkers and runners who are trying to stay out of the way of bicyclists. I think it would be beneficial to add a line on the trail that designates a lane for bikers and pedestrians in order to avoid potential hazards and collisions. Aside from this concern, I think
Comment on FR Doc # 2012-25138
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Special Regulations; Areas of the National Park System: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Bicycling
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