Why does your EIS for license renewal of the Hanford plant not mention or factor in use of MOX fuel, which was utilized and exacerbated exponentially the extent of the damage and contamination through fallout from Fukushima to as far east as Romania?
As I understand it, Hanford manufactured plutonium for the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so it has been intimately involved, since the inception of the nuclear industry. Is it true that there is still 53 million gallons of liquid waste and 25 million cubic feet of solid waste stored at Hanford? Is ground water in a 200 square mile area beneath this site still highly contaminated?
It seems to me high time Hanford was decommissioned and cleaned up. Because of the ever present risk, through human fallibility or increasingly unpredictable, extreme weather patterns from global warming, of nuclear cataclysms, such as the ongoing melt-throughs in Fukushima, and because all nuclear power stations in the United States are at the end of their designs' lifespan, and leak, and are corroding, and are cracking, I question your re-licensing of this facility on the basis of "safe environmental impact," and ask you to do the same. Instead of increasing your regulated limits and granting further allowances, I ask that you shut Hanford down and clean it up--for the good of the local population and the planet we all share.
And please DO NOT bring MOX fuel to the U.S.
Thank you for your time.
Comment (5) of Eileen Majood-Jose on Columbia Generating Station License Renewal (FR Doc # 2011-22415)
This is comment on Notice
Energy Northwest, Columbia Generating Station; Notice of Availability of Draft Supplement 47 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants and Public Meetings for the License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station
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