Comment (128) of Grace van Thillo on FR Doc # 2013-08888

Document ID: NRC-2013-0070-0123
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Received Date: May 11 2013, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: May 30 2013, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: April 16 2013, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: May 16 2013, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 1jx-859x-bosg
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For the SAFETY of 8.4 + million southern Californians and the California ECONOMY, a public hearing MUST TAKE PLACE re: San Onofre nuclear plant’s known replacement steam generator DESIGN FLAWS and FABRICATION CHANGES before any restart consideration. Mitsubishi (MHI) disclosures about the defective RSGs that Congressional, GAO and state entities are scrutinizing; plus, the global nuclear industry’s admission during your NRC meetings of San Onofre RSG’s unprecedented tube wear and integrity issues, ALL reveal the sane and safe course of actions which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission MUST TAKE. The NRC must reject Edison’s unacceptable license amendment and no significant hazard consideration requests. The NRC must ensure that Edison undergoes the appropriate, thorough license amendment process for the multiple areas of noncompliance with their operating license, that all relevant investigations are completed, and that public hearings on these requests are held before any decision on a license amendment or restart proposal is made. Senator Boxer asked the NRC to complete comprehensive investigations and provide full opportunity for public participation with independent expert testimony. The NRC ignored the requests of Senator Boxer and we the public, by announcing the "preliminary finding" that a San Onofre restart at 70 percent power posed no significant safety risk. The NRC MUST REJECT Edison’s EXPERIMENTAL restart plans of defective San Onofre Unit 2 nuclear reactor. DO NOT approve a REDUCTION in safety standards!! That's moving in the opposite direction from transparency and lessons learned! NRC investigations are continuing to uncover on-going San Onofre plant issues, added to Unit 3’s continued shut-down and imminent decommissioning that all heighten stress to Edison International’s management and SCE plant operations, which in turn ALL further compromise San Onofre nuclear plant’s SAFETY. Public hearings are essential!

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