Comment from Nash, William, MC Industrial

Document ID: OSHA-2007-0066-0120
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Occupational Safety And Health Administration
Received Date: December 04 2008, at 08:24 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: December 5 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: October 9 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: January 22 2009, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 807ccc27
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Additional definitions suggested - CAZ - Controlled Access Zone -- an area determined by the project safety professional and lift team to warrant special access and special safety requirements during lifting operations Spotter -- a member of the lift team delegated to assist the location of the landing of a load Dedicated Spotter -- a member of the lift team officially delegated by the site specific safety plan and lift plan to spot / locate the load Signal Person - delegated member(s) of the lift team to provide hoisting communications/ signals to the hoist operator; certified by both training and third party testing CDAC Comments on Proposed language PAGE SECTION COMMENT 5 880 1404 A. Add plan requirements for erection, dismantling, jumping, boom B. Prelift meetings with all personnel to review approved plan modifications 1. Planning/Details meeting 1 week prior 2. Day of Lift - JHA/Preshift meeting 6 881 (d) Add Communications - primary, secondary means 7 884 (h) Add equipment, componet delivery to site Add offloading of crane, derrick components Add type of blocking used to crib crane, derrick components 8 885 (7) Must be in Lift Plan and Rigged 9 886 (9) Onsite Handling Offloading Building Rigging 10 896 1407 (C) Add Air Horn 11 916 1412(1) Add (iii) "Documentation of both (i) and (ii) is required" 12 917 (2) Add (iv) "Documentation of (i), (ii), (iii) required" 13 918 (c)(1) Add (1a) Documentation required 14 919 (d)(1) Delete 'or during' 15 921 (e) Add monthly inspection from manufacturer 16 922 (ii) Delete ' three months', replace with 'duration of the project or three months, whichever is longer.' 17 926 (iii) Edit retained 12 months for the life of the equipment in an equipment file that travels with the specific crane 18 927 (j) Delete last sentence 19 947 (e) Add the use of boom mounted video cameras for blind picks 20 966 1423(e) Change 15 feet to 6 feet 21 972 1425 (3) Add with crew training plus a qualified person supervising the work. 22 996 1431(a) Add 'demonstrated and documents within the project specific lift plan' 23 996 1431(1a) Weather impacts on lifting equipment? 24 1012 1431(i) How to measure wind speed? On crane boom? On lift platform? How? 25 1012 1431(9) 26 1036 1435 (b) Tower crane site specific safety plan to include Erection, Climbing, Operation, Dismantling - approved by PE 27 1037 1435(3) Add supports horizontal ties, attachments to structural frame review by PE 28 1037 1435 (i) Add verify? document and sign off requirements 29 1037 1435 (iii) Wind speed measured by 2 independent methods - at working elevation and at boom tip 30 1038 1435 (5) Plumb 1:40?! Review AISC Steel Plumbing/Erection location reviewed by PE? 31 1038 1435 Add pre shift inspection Preshift JHA safety meeting with all workers on crane eleveated and ground, I-W, secondary cranes, trucking, electrical, operators 32 1038 1435 (ii) Add Review of all brace conections, spacing by PE to crane, to structure 33 1038 1435 Measure wind speed at what elevation? How? 34 1041 1435(3) Add communications backup required - primary and secondary 35 1059 1436(i) For all anchorages, design inspection by registered professionsl engineer 36 1061 1436 (D) Simulate test/trial lifts in similar working cycle durations for actual field work cycles lift, swing, hold, spot, lower 37 1063 1436(n) Add site specific jumping plan approved by registered PE 38 1077 1437 (5) Add design by registered PE 39 1096 1441(1a) Add sentence - Personnel hoisting into drilled shafts only if the use of a video camera is both impractical and non feasible 40 1101 Addd Riggers - discussion of training Add Signalpersons - discussion of training William R. Nash , P.E. MC-Industrial , Inc., (An Independent McCarthy Company) 3117 Big Bend Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63143 314-646-4133 Phone 314-646-4101 Fax 314-517.1768 Cell

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