Good Morning, My comment for BBP Standard is many dental practices do not have the regulated mandated annual training. I found in my career as a RDH that these offices are in need of the training but DO NOT provide it for their staff. Dental and Medical offices hire staff that have no education, much less on OSHA safety.
I am told since there is no OSHA police they pretty much do as they please. The workers and the patients suffer.
More OSHA inspectors are needed through out the country for on the spot inspections of dental and medical facilities.
I am concerned about the safety of both the patients and employees.
All dental/medical offices should have to keep track of any accidents in the workplace. I believe the law is only if they have 10 or more employees. This put offices under the radar. How will we ever be able to find percentages of incidences or accidents in dental offices if we don't require them to keep records and report it to the health department.
We need a better line of defense in dental/medical offices.
As a coach on Infection Control and OSHA- BBP. Many don't get it.
We need more rules and fines when offices are not compliant. My goal would be to see dental offices safe and sound. For the patients safety as much as the employee. If the office is compliant for BBP- they pretty much have the office in order. I don't find that.
In 40 years of dentistry and several employers I have been trained once in a dental office. I see the need we need better rules and laws with consequences.
Comment from Pine, Patricia; "U"nique Dental Organizational Services
This is comment on Notice
Regulatory Flexibility Act Review of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. Request for Comments.
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