Under the Micro Entity Status fees schedule, I would propose that Disabled American Veterans and wounded,(Silver Star receiptiants), be given a 100% reduction in all fees. Those who have served and paid the price deserve nothing less.
Additionally, I would propose that these Veterans be given priority status on all of their submissions.
For the immediate family members of those 'Killed in Action', USPTO should further reduce fees from the proposed 75% to 90% reduction.
These are just a few things we as Americans can do for our military veterans who served with honor and willingly paid the price for the freedoms we enjoy.
And finally, for those Honorably discharged veterans who served in past and present conflcts, I would propose that USPTO offer an additional 5% reduction from the proposed 75% to 80%.
All Americans should stand in honor of our military veterans and grant to them the rewards of a grateful nation.
Gene A. Harvey
Kingman, Arizon
Comment on FR Doc # 2012-12971
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Changes to Implement Micro Entity Status for Paying Patent Fees
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Public Submission Posted: 07/31/2012 ID: PTO-P-2012-0016-0002
Jul 30,2012 11:59 PM ET