***Full discussion in the attached document.***
On contracts worth more than $1,000,000, large business prime contractors will be required – by the RFP – to submit a subcontracting strategy to be evaluated by proposal evaluators for competence and quality of the subcontractor. The proposed regulation will require that a prime contractor’s proposal must include a formal, comprehensive subcontracting strategy that will clearly identify the work that will be performed by the small business subcontractor that are identified in the proposal. The RFP-required subcontracting strategy will also identify the exact timeframe for which the subcontractor will be performing contract work, and what the value of said contract work will be.
The subcontract becomes valid when the large business prime is formally awarded the contract.
- The proposal evaluation team has the opportunity to review and evaluate the total solution that the prime contractor is proposing, and has the certainty that the work will be performed exactly as detailed in the proposal, including the personnel and capabilities.
- The large business prime contractor is relieved from the obligation of developing a subcontracting plan, resulting in
o Substantial cost and time savings to the large business
o Substantial cost and time savings to the contracting officer
o Substantial cost and time savings to the entity tasked with reviewing and evaluating the subcontracting plan
o Substantial cost and time savings to small businesses as the RFP requirement ensure that only those small businesses, who will ultimately perform on the contract, will negotiate to be part of the subcontracting strategy
- Institutionalizes ethical private sector business practices into the federal market place
***Full discussion in the attached document.***
Comment on FR Doc # 2011-30927
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Small Business Subcontracting
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Subcontracting Reform - 4 - Beyond Privity
Subcontracting Reform - 4 - Beyond Privity
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