It is not at all clear how posting a "list and rationale" "holds the agency accountable to the pubic for its actions." If the intent is to "reduce the practice of bundling" then the actions should do so. Requiring the posting of the list and rationale of contracts to be bundled neither holds the agency accountable nor does it reduce the practice of bundling.
Require that no more than 5% of contract dollars previously let to small businesses can be bundled and that not more than 10% of dollars over a five year previously let to small businesses can be bundled. Or require reciprocity in the number of dollars and contracts set aside for small business for every dollar and contract bundled.
If the intent is reduce the practice of bundling then the actions required should do so. These actions do nothing but perhaps make people read and respond. These actions do not reduce the practice of bundling. If the objective is to enable agencies to mostly get away with bundling, then the objective will be achieved by the action of requiring the publication of a list and rationale.
Comment on FR Doc # 2011-26236
This is comment on Rule
Small Business Jobs Act: Implementation of Conforming and Technical Amendments
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