We are commenting regarding Federal Contract Bundling for Construction. This has been going on now since 1988 but this past year allowed for almost no projects to be bid as Small Business Set Asides in our marketplace of Maryland, DC Va, Pa and Del. As only 27% of this bundled business needs to be given to small business and small business employs about 80% of the workers througout the country this seems to be improperly skewed towards those who produce less jobs. The Federal Government awards jobs in increments larger than most mid sized contractors in this marketplace can bond and over a three to five year term period with multiple trades, cities, bases, etc, taking away small business opportunties for the community. As the businesses are largely owned elsewhere the money/profit for these jobs does not stay in the community where the projects are. This and the lack of small business opportunties impacts local businesses in ways not even considered by the government.and futher contributes to the recession. The Contractors need to hire additional personnel to man and run these jobs so the false savings that the governemtn thinks that it has by hiring less personnel to run the jobs as Contracting Officials is simply shifted to the largest businesses and they hire this same personnel but at a further profit or mark up. The 10% savings that are projected are really not available as the Contractor must make a profit on work that can be bid directly without this additional layer of overhead.
Comment on FR Doc # 2011-26236
This is comment on Rule
Small Business Jobs Act: Implementation of Conforming and Technical Amendments
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