Document ID: SSA-2006-0070-0004
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Social Security Administration
Received Date: August 16 2006, at 01:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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Comment Due Date: October 3 2006, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 801cec27
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I Agree this is nessesary and should benefit the applicant especially in regards to Organ-Transplants. And in HIV Positive cases. I strongly advocated the addition of Medical Information and Personell with Organ-Transplant Survivor Care information & background to the Review Board. The longevity of the Organ-Transplant Recepient depends SO MUCH on their ability to keep their Immune System from attacking the transplanted-organ but ALSO hopefully retaining enough to protect them from common diseases that could be FATAL to THEM!(A COLD, the FLU, a cut or scrape which becomes infected, etc.) EVERY part of their being demands limited contact with the *outside world.(*Crowded places, exposure to temp. extremes, unclean areas,contact with the sick,exposure to chemicals, etc.) ALSO they MUST get enough REST, EAT&Drink Fluids PROPERLY, Exercise, and stick to a daily schedule for their Meds, avoid stress and over-exsertion. All of this to prevent REJECTION and be able to lead a somewhat "normal" life. BUT...a TRANSPLANT-RECEPIENT(at least a HEART recepient) can NEVER be held to the same guidelines as a NON-RECEIPENT on Health Issues because they no longer apply. They are walking, MIRACLES, whom MUST be able to care properly for themselves to stay alive.To ME this does NOT include a work-week with exposure to the elements and the public on a daily basis, being thrown off schedule with their meds and eating habits and also rest, which runs them down causing rejection and/or dehydration.

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