Comment from Clover Hill Vineyard & Winery (Skrip, John)

Document ID: TTB-2007-0068-0004
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Alcohol And Tobacco Tax And Trade Bureau
Received Date: December 04 2007, at 01:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: December 6 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: November 20 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: March 20 2008, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 8036ffc4
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I am writing on behalf of Clover Hill Vineyards & Winery and also as a member of the Lehigh Valley Wine Trail. I am writing in reference to the TTB's proposed rulemaking changes regarding Notice No. 78 and how it affects the proposed Lehigh Valley AVA. The Lehigh Valley AVA has been a project of mine since 2003 when it began. With the help of my fellow Lehigh Valley Wine Trail members over the last four years, the Lehigh Valley AVA petition was reviewed and posted for public comment and made it to the final stage of approval within the TTB. I was even given verbal notification by my TTB rep that the only step left in finalizing the Lehigh Valley AVA was to wait for the final approval which was expected to come in November or December of 2007. It is my understanding that the Lehigh Valley AVA is currently on hold due to Notice No. 78 Proposed Revision of the American Viticultural Area Regulations. These proposed changes would not affect the proposed Lehigh Valley AVA based on the two following facts. The proposed Lehigh Valley AVA does not overlap or contain any other existing AVAs. Second there is no brand name AVA name conflict. No wineries use the name ?Lehigh? or ?Lehigh Valley? as their brand name. For these two reasons I respectfully request the Lehigh Valley AVA be granted final approval. Regards, John

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