I think these new requirements are overly burdensome to small owners of private
aircraft. First, there are many places in Canada and in the South of our border
where internet access is not available nor is phone service with many US
carriers. Placing this burden on other known people to supply the information
for you is merely shifting the burden to that person. In addition, I am
reluctant to supply private information about myself (passport number for
example) to unknown individuals to supply this information for me due to
identity theft concerns.
Second, you are proposing to require additional information about the flight 60
minutes before departing. When you file a flight plan, in most cases you can not
pick up the flight plan before 30 minutes before departure and in most cases you
are sitting in the aircraft ready to depart. In addition, the flight plan is
time limited. How then will you be able to provide a transponder code and file
it electronically while sitting in your aircraft? This makes no sense and just
confirms the information you are requesting is not needed for small aircraft
with 4 seats and less. In these aircraft, the passengers are already known by
the pilot.
If for example my wife and I decide to go to Montreal for a long weekend, the
amount of information required to return is not needed and ridiculous in my
opinion. This would also require me to bring along a Laptop computer to fulfill
your electronic filling requirements. That will only work if I can get access to
the internet which is tenuous at best.
I also dispute your financial analysis of the costs involved with complying with
these requirements. If I must pay an additional amount for internet access for
each time that I must file, it will add to the financial costs.
Overall, I find this proposed rule unneeded and costly and an additional burden
placed upon Pilots and owners of small aircraft that can least afford it when
the same requirements are not being considered for small cars crossing the
borders. In my view cars and trucks are where most terrorists attempting to come
across our borders will succeed
Comment Submitted by Robert J. Preston
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Advance Information on Private Aircraft Arriving and Departing the United States
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