Comment Submitted by Lee Calvin Cook

Document ID: USCBP-2011-0017-0005
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Customs And Border Protection Bureau
Received Date: October 23 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: October 24 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: August 24 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: October 24 2011, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80f5a343
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This is comment on Proposed Rule

Closing of the Port of Whitetail, MT

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These comments are regarding "Closing of the port of Whitetail, MT USCBP-2011-0017. I have been involved in a family farming operation; located at Flaxville,MT and at Bengough,Saskatchewan-Canada since 1973. Our family relies on the Whitetail border crossing to operate our land in Canada. The alternate ports of Scobey,MT an extra 30 miles in distance; or Raymond,MT an additional 60 miles; creates an extreme hardship on my operation in total. I currently have 8000 hay bales that need to be moved from my Bengough farm to my Flaxville farm. These large bales need to be moved by truck, at approximately 40 bales per load-they weigh approximately 1250 pounds each. They represent two years worth of work. They are currently contracted to High Mountain Hay of Twin Falls, Idaho at $75 per ton-which represents $375,000 worth of income. An additional 30 miles of hauling currently at $5.00 per loaded mile represents a direct cost to me $150 per load of hay on 200 loads; for a total additional cost of $30,000 to my operation. I don't believe that the extent of Montana agricultural producers such as my self have been properly factored in. With the pending developement of the Bakken Oil formation in this area; it is premature to close this port. Also consider that the Canadian Wheat Board is about to remove it's monoply on Canadian Farmers ability to sell their wheat, durum and barley into the United States for the first time since the 1930's. The Port of Whitetail is the closest Port for millions of bushels of grain to the Columbia Elevator located 7 miles south of the Port of Whitetail. This elvator is serviced by the short line of Dakota Missouri Valley Western headquarted at Bismark,ND. Once agian, I believe that the value of the Port of Whitetail has been miscalculated and that economically it would disadvantage this area of Montana and the United States in general if it were to close. I believe it should be kept open at it's current status until furthers

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