Freeport-McMoRan Energy LLC
David C. Landry
1615 Poydras Street Vice President – General Manager
New Orleans, LA 70112
P. O. Box 61520
Telephone: 504-582-4880
Fax: 504-582-4339
New Orleans, LA 70161
May 5, 2008
Delivered electronically via
Docket Management Facility (M-30)
Department of Transportation West Building
1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Room W12-140
Washington, DC 20590
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: USCG Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Financial
Responsibility for Water Pollution (Vessels) and OPA 90 Limits of Liability
(Vessels and Deepwater Ports) [USCG 2005-21780] RIN 1625-AA98
Freeport-McMoRan Energy (FME) appreciates this opportunity to comment on
the proposed regulations (USCG 2005-21780) regarding OPA 90 limits of liability
for water pollution from vessels and deepwater ports. FME has a vital interest in
these proposed regulations because it is developing the Main Pass Energy
Hub™ (MPEH™) Deepwater Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Port offshore
Southeast Louisiana. FME believes that the proposed 33 CFR 138.220(b)(1)
addressing “Limits of Liability” fails to acknowledge the provisions of the enabling
law, 33 USC 2704(d)(2), allowing adjustments in the limits of oil spill liability for
deepwater ports based on the results of a risk assessment study. In support of
this concern, FME submits the following comment in response to USCG 2005-
Comment regarding proposed 33 CFR 138.220(b)(1) that reads as follows:
(b) The limits of liability for deepwater ports under OPA 90, as amended, are—
(1) For a deepwater port other than the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP),
$350,000,000; ….
Proposed 33 CFR 138.220(b)(1) fails to implement the provisions in OPA 90, 33
USC 2704(d)(2)(A) though (C), providing, in part, that the “Secretary shall
conduct a study of the relative operational and environmental risks posed by the
transportation of oil by vessel to deepwater ports (as defined in section 1502 of
this title) versus the transportation of oil by vessel to other ports.” The Coast
Guard and Maritime Administration (MARAD) have interpreted this provision to
require conduct of the study as a precedent to lowering, from $350,000,000, the
oil spill financial responsibility levels for deepwater ports, as evidenced by the
deepwater port Records of Decision that MARAD has issued to date. An
example of this practice is the provision on page 20 of the Record of Decision
issued to Freeport-McMoRan Energy LLC for its Main Pass Energy Hub™
deepwater natural LNG port:
“While it is unlikely that the facility could create an oil spill that would require
application of the full liability requirements specified in OPA 90, Sec. 2704 sets
the limit on liability at $350,000,000. OPA 90 allows the Secretary of the
Department in which the Coast Guard is operating (in this case the Department
of Homeland Security) to lower that limit to no less than $50,000,000. Since a
study of the relative operational and environmental risks of deepwater LNG ports
that could result in lowering the limit of liability has not been undertaken, I must
now consider whether the applicant has the financial capability to demonstrate
responsibility to cover the maximum oil spill liability of $350,000,000 (emphasis
added). Once the applicant has demonstrated that they will be able to meet the
requirements of OPA 90, in addition to all other requirements and conditions
outlined in this Record of Decision, the Secretary will issue the deepwater port
license.” [Emphasis added.]
The above-quoted Record of Decision provision illustrates that the Coast Guard
and MARAD acknowledge the OPA 90 mandate to conduct a study that would
facilitate the creation of guidelines to enable them to set appropriate liability
levels for deepwater ports. The subject proposed regulation is the proper place
for implementation of the requirement of the study and the development of
guidelines pursuant to the study’s results.
Further, proposed 33 CFR 138.220(b)(1) fails to acknowledge the provisions in
33 USC 2704(d)(2)(C) that allow the limits of oil spill liability of a deepwater port
to be reduced to not less than $50,000,000 based on the results of the study
discussed above. This should be corrected. FME recommends that the
proposed regulation be rewritten to specifically acknowledge this authority to
reduce the limit of oil spill liability for deepwater ports in parallel to the provisions
in the deepwater port regulations themselves allowing reduction of oil spill liability
levels at 33 CFR 148.605(a) and (b). In addition, proposed 33 CFR 138.220(b)
should be expanded to describe the nature of any studies that might be required
of deepwater port license applicants or license holders and the specific
administrative process to be followed to reduce the otherwise required limits of
liability of $350,000,000. As such, FME recommends:
• Inserting a new 33 CFR 138.220(b)(3) that either references or
restates the provisions of 33 CFR 148.605 acknowledging the statutory
provisions of 33 USC Section 2704(d)(2) that allow the oil spill liability levels of a
deepwater port to be reduced to not less than $50,000,000.
• Inserting a new 33 CFR 138.220(b)(4) and additional paragraphs as
needed that clarify the administrative process required to reduce the oil spill
liability levels for a deepwater port including:
o The scope of the required study, to be conducted by the Coast Guard
in accordance with 33 USC 2704(d)(2)(A) and (B) to document the reduced risk
of oil spills from deepwater ports and the timing for the conduct of such study;
o Provision of clear guidelines for submitting and processing any request
to reduce the limits of oil spill liability for a specific deepwater port based on a
reduced risk of oil spills.
If there are any questions, or if I can be of assistance in any way, please contact
me at (504) 582-4880.
David C. Landry
Freeport-McMoRan Energy
This is comment on Rule
Financial Responsibility for Water Pollution (Vessels) and OPA 90 Limits of Liability (Vessels and Deepwater Ports); Correction
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Freeport-McMoRan Energy
Freeport-McMoRan Energy
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