Jeffrey S. Johnson

Document ID: USCG-2007-0008-0003
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Coast Guard
Received Date: December 05 2007, at 07:34 PM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: December 7 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: October 18 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: December 17 2007, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80370b15
View Document:  View as format xml

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While a better layout visually than the current (existing) form being used, the length of this form is much too long. Most people will not take the time necessary to fill out all the information requested in 6 pages. For example, even though the form currently used by the State of Alaska is only 1 page (two sided) reports submitted by the public are are still not often fully completed. This long form will also be more costly to duplicate and distribute. The boat operator information is located on page 6 of 6. This is important and should be on page one. The boat owner information is found on page 6 of 6. This is important and also should be on page one. "Report submitted by", located on the first page, should include Boat operator, owner, or Accident Investigator. This should be added so that it gives an investigator a form they could use if the owner/operator is the only one on board the boat and dies in the accident. It gives the investigator some incentive to fill out the form. "Operator Instruction" located on page 4 is confusing. For example, the course providers listed may provide classroom, correspondence, or internet courses. Suggest eliminating the Internet course field, because it is irrelevant to the other choices. "Injury details" - laypersons (and even law enforcement and EMS personnel) are not qualified to determine CO poisoning. Electric shock may be circumstance but is uncommon and does not merit a special field since there is "Other". "Nature of Primary Injury" - laypersons (and even law enforcement and EMS personnel) are not qualified to diagnose whether an injury is a sprain, strain, fracture or dislocation. Neither are they qualified to diagnose a concussion, or a spinal cord or internal organ injury. These require proper testing and evaluation in a hospital setting, perhaps days after the accident. Suggest deleting these, because this data will be impeached. If it is necessary, it should be gathered from the ER or hospital database. If you MUST have these fields, either keep them simple - use the "body part injured" and list face, head, neck, arm, elbow, leg, knee, chest, abdomen, and other, or eliminate it. "Size of Vessel" information (page 2 of 6): Beam width at widest point and depth from transom (stern to keel) is information that most everyone will not generally know, and will not take the time to figure it out. Suggest deleting this.

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Jeffrey S. Johnson
Public Submission    Posted: 12/07/2007     ID: USCG-2007-0008-0003

Dec 17,2007 11:59 PM ET
Richard Snyder
Public Submission    Posted: 12/17/2007     ID: USCG-2007-0008-0004

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Tracy Grasso
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Ohio Department of Natural Resources
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State of California Department of Boating and Waterways
Public Submission    Posted: 12/19/2007     ID: USCG-2007-0008-0007

Dec 17,2007 11:59 PM ET