
Document ID: USCG-2007-29354-0005
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Coast Guard
Received Date: October 19 2007, at 07:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: October 24 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: October 3 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: October 24 2007, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 8033c903
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As a resident of Kaua'i, Hawai'i, I strongly object to this proposed legislation because it is very clearly an example of legislation specifically serving the commercial interests of a particular private company, instead of a ruling designed to serve the tax-paying public or other commercial parties not connected to the SuperFerry company. The public outcry on the island of Kaua'i - and elsewhere in Hawai'i - against the way in which the commercial plans of the SuperFerry company were 'greenlighted' - notably, without a normally requisite (and, in the case of our very small island, VERY necessary) Environmental Impact report reminds us - most insiduously - of the government of 19th century England's 'special relationship' with the East India Company, and is frankly a disgrace to the democratic values of the U.S. Constitution, and another slap in the face to Hawai'ians. Honolulu is well- equipped to handle an operation the size of the SuperFerry, whereas Kaua'i - clearly - is not. Nawilliwilli harbor, which I have visited on several occasions, despite it's small size operates generally on a very smooth and congenial basis - this despite the bi-weekly arrival and departure of huge cruise ships, disgorging tourists who are escorted off and back to it via and orderly procession of motor coaches. No changes are required to improve the way the harbor and port conducts it's normal everyday business - ergo, this proposed legislation is a blatant attempt to 'steam roll' the commercial, profit-motivated interests of a private company over the residents of a peaceful, rural community, who shocked the company and authorities by turning out en masse to block the SuperFerry from forcing it's way in, and have made it clear that they will do so again, if necessary; this proposed legislation is soley put forward as an attempt to make such civil disobedience impossible, and permit the interests of the SuperFerry to be served - against the wishes of those of us who live and work here. It is my sincere hope that this 'East India' style of legislation is recognised for what it really is, and roundly denied and dismissed as being in violation of the Constitution. 'Mahalo'!

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