I have seen first hand the abuse of immigrants being given visa's under the
deception of being religious workers. I work for a non-profit benevolence
organization in Texas and most of our workers have been approved based on
complete falsifications of their job descriptions, education, backgrounds, etc. They
are mostly clerical workers but were granted work visa's submitted stating they
were religious counselors, ministers, etc. The Executive Director even submitted
documents to INS stating we are a "church" which we are not, never have been
and have no intention of becoming one. We are a Christian based benevolence
program but in no way lead church services or are officially one stated religion.
We even have visa's for these people's family members stating they work here
when we have never seen these people. The abuse is unbelievable. For whatever
reason, INS or Home Land security has never noticed how many of these petitions
we have filed. As I stated earlier we are non-profit benevolence organization, are
contributors have no idea we are using their donated funds to pay the legal fees for
these undocumented workers. Not only that, there are people in the United States
who have REAL creditials to do the work we claim is being done. The fake
positions are not so extrodinary only a person from Mexico, Argentina, etc. can
do it. I am so sick of watching the constant musical chairs trying to cover the
agency's wrong doing all of the time. Religion should not get higher status or
priority in the application process. It is ridiculous to think just because it is
a "sacred religion" it should not be easier to obtain papers for this work. Trust me,
people who often scream "in the name of Jesus" are the ones you have to watch
the closest. They truly believe the blanket of religion makes criminal acts
something to justify through "grace".
Comment Submitted by Laura K. Kaeser
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Special Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Religious Workers; Reopening the Public Comment Period
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