Comment Submitted by Barb Sachau

Document ID: USCIS-2007-0036-0005
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: U.S. Citizenship And Immigration Services
Received Date: July 03 2007, at 11:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: July 5 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: July 3 2007, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: September 4 2007, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 8025c5ae
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public comment on federal register of 7/3/07 vol 72 #127 pg 36475 uscis dhs i-590 registration for classification as a refugee omb l615-0068 attention richard sloan the u.s. has a very very big problem right now. it is overwhelmed and invaded by twenty million illegal immigrants, some of whom are terrorists, some of whom are criminals, some of whom are rapists, some of whom are kidnappers - all of which happened locally. this is the focus of this agency. this agency should be doing NOTHING ELSE but picking up and deporting every single one of these people who have invaded this country and sneaked into t his country flouting our laws. we have a legal immigration process, which can take a long time. i see absolutely no reason why we allow sneaks and criminals who flout our laws to come here immediately when we have a process that means identification and a process to become a citizen. WHY IN HECK IS THE IMMIGRATION DEPT SO OUT OF TOUCH WITH WHAT AMERICAN CITIZENS WANT FROM THIS DEPT? THIS PROCESS SHOULD BE PUT ON MORITORIUM. NO REFUGEES. NO MORE IMMIGRANTS LEGAL OR ILLEGAL SHOULD BE ALLOWED INTO THIS COUNTRY UNTIL T HIS PROBLEM IS ATTACHED BY THIS DEPT. WE NEED TO GET THE ILLEGALS OUT OF HERE. WE NEED PEOPLE WHO COME HERE ON A VISA TO L EAVE WHEN THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE. THIS GOES FOR ALL RACES AND ALL COUNTRIES. YOU CAN LIVE HERE IF YOU HAVE AUTHORIZATION TO LIVE HERE. SOMETHING IS DESPERATELY WRONG WITH POLITICIANS PANDERING TO VOTES THESE DAYS WHEN OUR LAWS ARE QUITE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN IF YOU WANT TO COME TO THIS COUNTRY. B., SACHAU 15 ELM ST FLORHAM PARK NJ07932

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Comment Submitted by Barb Sachau
Public Submission    Posted: 07/05/2007     ID: USCIS-2007-0036-0005

Sep 04,2007 11:59 PM ET