Comments from Marine Corps Community Services NAF Claims Program
Manager Pertaining to the Federal Register, Vol. 72, No 181, pages 53424 -
53426, of Wed 19 Sep 2007
From the New Proposed Changes to Procedures for Processing Claims Involving
NAF Activities, including the MC :
In 765.4 Responsibility - TCU Norfolk has primary responsibility for
negotiation and settlement of NAFI claims because -
1. NAFI's are Federal Agencies, and
2. the NAFI is charged with an essential function of the DoN, and
3. the degree of control and supervision by the Navy is more than
casual or perfunctory.
1. Given the definition of "casual" as cursory, and "perfunctory" as superficial - it
could be argued that number three above does not apply and refutes the premise
that TCU Norfolk has primary responsibility for negotiation and settlement of
Marine Corps NAFI claims, since the degree of control and supervision by the
Navy over the MC Personal & Family Readiness Division's (P&FRD) Composite
Insurance Program (CIP) is not more than cursory or superficial.
2. The above contention fails to recognize that Commercial Insurance Companies
have written property and liability insurance policies to protect the assets of the
NAF activity i.e. P&FRD.
3. Because of item number 2 above, underwriters may - if coverage is triggered
under their insurance policy - will find that their insurance company has a financial
interest in the adjudication and settlement of a potential claim filed against them,
which is on behalf of the P&FRD. Further, every insurance policy has an Self-
Insured Retention (S.I.R.) or deductible amount that the insured is responsible for
paying before the commercial insurance company pays on the claim. It is our
position that coordination with the insured is required of the TCU Norfolk on the
settlement and negotiated payment of a claim - no matter how small the amount,
since the NAF S.I.R. obligation begins on the claim from the first NAF dollar we
pay from our Self-Insured Composite Insurance Program (CIP).
4. If commercial insurance was purchased by the CIP to protect the NAF assets
that belong to MCCS and P&FRD, then the United States is not ultimately liable
for payment of NAFI claims - depending on the size and type of claim filed. Also,
the United States is only the Successor in Interest for the payment of NAF claims
in a worst case scenario. Since the chance of our defaulting on the payment of
claims is entirely remote, it is unlikely the Treasurer of the United States will ever
have that responsibility of becoming the Successor in Interest for the payment of
our NAF claims.
In 756.6 - Negotiation.
(b.) When the NAFI is insured, the insurer or TPA "will normally
conduct negotiations with claimants". "Any dissatisfaction with the insurer's or
TPA's handling of the negotiations should be referred directly to the JAG (Claims
and Tort Litigation) for appropriate action.
Question: What constitutes "any dissatisfaction", or how is that defined?
Also in 756.6 (b) it is stated that "Concurrence by the insurer or TPA in
the amount of the settlement is not necessary."
Such a position invites litigation against the NAFI - by an insurer, and possibly the
refusal of coverage on the part of that insurer to pay and settle a claim on behalf of
the P&FRD. Also, failure to report timely notice of potential claims, to all
commercial insurance companies, can void the insurance coverage and the
payment of claims on our behalf, by those insurers. Also, this proposed change
does not address the fact that P&FRD does handle and review in-house all tort
claims that are filed, as opposed to contracting for TPA claims services. Financial
interest of a claim is resident with the NAFI and / or the commercial insurance
carrier. Failure to coordinate settlement with the NAFI and / or the carrier is
In 756.6 (c) when the NAFI is not insured, "that TCU Norfolk is
responsible for settlement negotiations. When the appropriate settlement is
negotiated by the Navy, the recommended award will be forwarded to the NAFI for
payment from NAF funds."
That it appears from the above that the NAFI is not consulted concerning the
appropriateness of the settlement amount prior to the settlement agreement being
finalized between the TCU Norfolk and the claimant. As indicated above - all
opportunities to obligate NAF funds must be coordinated with the NAFI. To
reiterate - the critical point mentioned above - does an APF agency have
the authority to obligate the expenditure of budgeted NAF funds?
In 756.9 - Claims by Employees:
Suggested rewording for 756.9 (b):
"Provisions of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act are extended
through the Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act (S. 1828) for civilian
employees of NAFI's who are compensated from nonappropriated funds who have
suffered injury or death arising out of their employment.
In the last sentence of same paragraph, do not agree with the wording. It give the
impression that you can elect NOT to file a claim unless there is "substantial
possibility, etc." - truth is, anytime an employee alleges an injury/illness, a claim
must be filed regardless whether anyone else thinks there isn't any way this
happened at work. Suggest instead.... "Claims should be made under that Act if
the employee, or his dependents in the case of death, allege the injury or death is
covered under the Act's provisions."
Suggest rewording for 756.9 (b) (2):
"Employees who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States or a
Territory, and who are employed outside the continental United States, will be
provided compensation in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of the military department concerned and approved by the Secretary of
Defense or regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, as the case
may be. (this part is straight out of the NAFI Act.) Commercial insurance
coverage for this type of employee is not required, but may be purchased at the
discretion of the NAFI." The wording "other arrangements" is too vague and
should be defined.
Lastly, the reference to a BUPERSINST should not be included in 756.9(2).
Comment on FR Doc # E7-18205
This is comment on Rule
Nonappropriated-Fund Claims Regulations
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