AL94 - Comment - Dependents and Survivors - FR Doc # 06-07759

Document ID: VA-2006-VACO-0199-0002
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Department Of Veterans Affairs
Received Date: September 27 2006, at 09:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: November 2 2006, at 09:59 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: September 26 2006, at 09:59 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: November 20 2006, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 801cf5af
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This is comment on Proposed Rule

AL94 - Dependents and Survivors

View Comment

I like the fact that you have added a section allowing reinstatement of benefits to a spouse who is no longer remarried due to death of the spouse. HOWEVER, what about the widow who was not receiving the benefits BEFORE remarriage, but now due to the death of her second husband, she needs the benefits more than ever before? THERE SHOULD BE A PROVISION allowing benefits for the following circumstance: A married to V (veteran) for 30+ years. V dies. A marries B. B dies. THEN A wants benefits. Currently, the statute allows for A to receive benefits only if her second husband died before Nov. 1, 1990. But he died in JANUARY 1991. How does 90 days make a logical difference whether or not she should receive benefits? Currently she is not covered because this is not a REINSTATEMENT of benefits, but instead a first-time application, due to my understanding of the statute. 5.205(d) Thanks for your consideration.

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Public Submission    Posted: 11/03/2006     ID: VA-2006-VACO-0199-0003

Nov 20,2006 11:59 PM ET
DAV Comment on AL94 dated Nov 15, 2006
Public Submission    Posted: 12/01/2006     ID: VA-2006-VACO-0199-0004

Nov 20,2006 11:59 PM ET
AL94 - Comment - Dependents and Survivors - FR Doc # 06-07759
Public Submission    Posted: 11/02/2006     ID: VA-2006-VACO-0199-0002

Nov 20,2006 11:59 PM ET