This is an opinion, and observation relative to the Veterans Administration
published changes to 38 CFR Part 4 identified as RIN 2900-AM75, ?Schedule for
Rating Disabilities; Evaluation of Residuals of Traumatic Brain Injury, (TBI). My
purpose, having examined the principal task of RIN 2900-AM75 under the light of
practical experience, is to bring to the forefront as far as possible within a small
compass, the fallacy in the direction of the Veteran?s Administration (VA)
proposed enthymeme.
Instinct would have us applaud the VA?s recognition that there is a ?problem? in
principle that requires revision. However, every Veteran knows through reason, and
practical experience that all warfare is based on deception. This knowledge in
and of itself requires closer scrutiny of RIN 2900-AM75. If the development of
reason is vastly more prominent in man than in any other of the animal creations,
why than is the proffered rule change a continuation of an automatic and
unconscious rubric?
The bureaucracy of deductivism and/or the ?law of deductive form,? have
repeatedly proven to be inadequate and unjust as a protocol design. The VA?s
reasoning can only be considered petrified, for by fiat it continuously ignores a
basic tenet of medicine and reality in its rating procedures. We are an organism of
systems, we are in all ways, and matters the sum of our systems not merely
independent parts. RIN 2900-AM75 is merely another example of ?petrified
reasoning,? evidence of a consistency and change bias. Essentially RIN 2900-
AM75 is a bureaucratic version of the ?Emperor?s New Clothes.?
Promulgating a ?rule? that makes use of passive exclusionary language rather than
inclusive action to identify and capture a ?problem,? of the present is a
continuation of a VA?s rubric of the past. The fluff touted to Veteran?s in an effort
to gain a consensus that Diagnostic Code 8045 is being modernized via addition
of a noun, residual, ?Residuals of Traumatic Brain Injury,? continues the injustice
of the past. For it vitiates related epidemiologic pathophysiology of TBI.
Diagnostic Code 8045 needs to be updated to allow for the proper management
and staging of Traumatic Brain Injury, but to prevent an abuse of discretion, and
exclusion-by-convenience the legal language must be ?active? and inclusive such
as ?Acquired Brain Injury,? which allows for the inclusion of primary, and
secondary injury, such as injury secondary to impact from surrounding debris or
autonomic dysfunction syndrome, and paroxysmal autonomic instability which
constitutes mostly damage which is invisible on imaging studies.
The language set forth in the classification of TBI gives the ?rater? permission to
discount, a.k.a. ignore, acquisition etiology detailed in the Veteran?s medical
records. Action premised on nothing more than interpretation, ?rater discretion?
codified in vague and exclusionary, passive language, allowing the VA to disregard
the totality of the pathophysiology. Anyone who has served in the capacity of
Veteran Advocate is familiar with this technique of the VA: the analysis of
examples of parts.
In an effort to be fair, just and answer the question whether the proposed
change in operation of the VA is business as usual; by design, or truly a change
in sequence of the totality of cause and effect, the VA?s analysis of tinnitus is
examined. The number of Veterans submitting disability claims for disability
benefits for tinnitus is conservatively a Fibonacci prime with thousands of digits.
Tinnitus, is a condition recognized by RIN 2900-AM 75 as a possible
consequence of an injured brain. Yet WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm
Veteran?s seeking disability benefits for tinnitus are rarely awarded more than zero
(0%) percent service connection, or at the most ten (10%) percent, and that only
after a lengthy and protracted appeals process. The analysis of example is based
not on the auditory, neurologic, or endocrine system but on an individual ear- a
part not the whole system. The language of RIN 2900-AM 75 is specific that each
condition will be examined separately under an appropriate diagnostic code. RIN
2900 ? AM 75 continues the myopic logic of the past, anchored on a usual,
customary risk-adjusted certainty equivalent. The Veterans Administration
continues to orchestrate its consistency bias, a locus classicus, a presumption
giving credence to the perception and indictment of methodological reciprocity
exercised in the examination of rating decisions of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) and the toxicokinetics, mechanism of action and disease
outcomes of Agent Orange.
TBI a consequence of blast injuries is the impetus of the VA?s action. Blast
injuries cause the most damage at the interface between tissues in contact with
the atmosphere. A blast approaching 100 lb/inch? (690kPa) is acknowledged as
the minimum threshold for serious damage to humans, but this is not an absolute.
For in some instances injury type is irrelevant. It is with a reasonable degree of
medical certainty, that even mild TBI is pathophysiologically relative to a life
threatening traumatic event, which serves to significantly increase the
consequence of PTSD and depression. The etiology, pathophysiology and
outcomes of even mild TBI are far from definitive. RIM 2900-AM 75 scheme to
accept an average of three subjective numbers from an even more subjective
inconclusive report as the ?rule? to determine cognitive impairment in the aftermath
of even mild traumatic brain injury and psychological stress is a license to believe
that success comes by chance.
Key aspects in creating value in this matter, is the manner of presentation
which affects the decision-making process, as well as whom is in control of the
process. It is agreed that norms must be specified to overcome pseudocertainty.
That requires a review of systems, not just the chief-complaint. The harm-benefit
analysis Veteran?s are being asked to embrace in RIN 2900 ? AM75 continues to
rely on expected utilities without consideration of presentation and attitude or
pathophysiology. This omission of content, requires amplification if the VA
mission and principles are to be extended to policies and judgments.
The reason for denial of Veterans Benefits based on the mere felicities of turn
or phrase and the architectonics of opinions put forth by VA fiat is the usual and
customary domain of Veteran Advocate?s who prosecute disability claims. In this
day-and-age, it is reasonable to believe that lessons were learned from history.
This appears not to be, for RIN 2900- AM 75 is by design business as usual, and
exemplifies an inconsistency between loyalty to America, and loyalty to our
Veterans. It is high time that the logic of language yield to the logic of reality.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gerald N. Unger, M.D., J.D., LL.M.,
Executive Director/CEO
I USMC 68-72
Gerald N. Unger - Comment on VA Adjudications
This is comment on Proposed Rule
AM75 - Proposed rule - Schedule for Rating Disabilities; Evaluation of Residuals of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
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