I support the proposed changes to the Deceased Indebted Servicemembers and Veterans: Authority Concerning Certain Indebtedness. I agree that instead of placing additional burdens on the families of deceased service men and women our country should do whatever possible to show them our support and appreciation. I am also in agreement that in the absence of an estate the funds returned should go to the next of kin. My only concern is that we are placing emphasis on the date of death of the servicemen/women. I understand that this legislation was not put in place until after the events of 9/11 which resulted in the invasion of Iraq but I feel that any person that has volunteerily put themselves in the position to protect our country and its citizens should extended this benefit regardless of a date of death. I'm sure that there have been soldiers who have died during active duty prior to 9/11 whose families would have benefited from this relief of indebtedness and the subsequent refund. I support and appauld the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs, hope that they continue to do what is in the best interest of our troops, and wish that they would broaden the scope of this proposed rule.
Comment on AN14-Proposed Rule-Karen Ovington
This is comment on Proposed Rule
AN14 - Proposed Rule - Deceased Indebted Servicemembers and Veterans: Authority Concerning Certain Indebtedness
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