National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters


Total: 2,401
Comment submitted by Rachel Smolker, Biofuel Watch et al.
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2951     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Kenneth R. Gallant, Manager, Environmental Services, Verso Paper Corps. Androscoggin Mill
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2952     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by John T. Heard, Legislative Counsel, Virginia Coal Association, Inc. (VCA)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2953     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by John M. Irving, Manager of Power Supply, The Burlington Electric Department, McNeil Generating Station
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2954     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Richard Rosvold, Manager, Air Quality, Environmental Services Department, Xcel Energy Services Inc.
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2955     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by James Santory, Director, Environmental, Health and Safety, Calgon Carbon Corporation
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2956     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Anne C. Blankenship, Robinson & McElwee PLLC on behalf of Karen S. Price, President, West Virginia Manufacturers Association (WVMA)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2957     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Senator Christopher S. Bond, Missouri, United States Senate
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2958     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Representative Kevin Van De Wege, 24th Legislative District, State of Washington House of Representatives et al.
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2959     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Matthew Todd, American Petroleum Institute (API) and David Friedman, National Petrochemical and Refiners Association (NPRA)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2960     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Tom Piccorelli, Assistant Vice President, Operations, Environmental Health and Safety Office, Oberlin College
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2961     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Kyle D. Gibbs, General Manager, Marshall Missouri Municipal Utilities (MMU)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2962     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by John W. Meyers, Director, Environmental Policy, Clean and Renewable Energy, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2963     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Holly R. Hart, Assistant to the International President, Legislative Director, on behalf of the United Steel, Paper & Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial, and Service Workers International Union (USW)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2964     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by David B. Struhs, Vice President, Sustainability Strategy, C3
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2965     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by William Rogers, Senior Technological Specialist, Environmental Strategies, DTE Energy (DTE)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2966     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Michael A. Palazzolo, Manager Air Services, EHS Services North America, Alcoa Inc.
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2967     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Douglas J. Van Pelt, Environmental Advisor, Downstream and Chemical SH&E, ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Company
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2968     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by William O'Sullivan, P.E., Director, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2969     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Patricia Hansen, Regulatory Affairs Manager, American Crystal Sugar Company and Steven Smock, Environmental Engineer, Michigan Sugar Company
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2970     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by D. Skarada
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2971     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by D. Armstrong
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2972     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by D. Armstrong
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2973     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by G. Girard
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2974     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by A. Avanti
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2975     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by C. Alexandre
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2976     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by L. Layne
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2977     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by K. Barber
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2978     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by S. Rudnicki
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2979     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by R. Skaar
Posted : 09/01/2010     ID :EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0058-2980     Agency : EPA

Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET