Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Endangered Species Status for Fluted Kidneyshell and Slabside Pearlymussel and Designation of Critical Habitat

Document ID: FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0001


Total: 7
Comment on FR Doc # 2012-24019
Posted : 10/09/2012     ID :FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0004     Agency : FWS

Dec 03,2012 11:59 PM ET
Karen A. Woodrich-Natural Ressources Conservation Services-NRCS
Posted : 11/01/2012     ID :FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0005     Agency : FWS

Dec 03,2012 11:59 PM ET
Don Hubbs-Tennesse Wildlife Resources Agency
Posted : 11/19/2012     ID :FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0006     Agency : FWS

Dec 03,2012 11:59 PM ET
Request for Public Hearing - VA Coal Association
Posted : 12/04/2012     ID :FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0007     Agency : FWS

Dec 03,2012 11:59 PM ET
Comment from Virginia Coal Association
Posted : 12/04/2012     ID :FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0008     Agency : FWS

Dec 03,2012 11:59 PM ET
Posted : 12/05/2012     ID :FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0009     Agency : FWS

Dec 03,2012 11:59 PM ET
Jeffrey T. Garner-Peer Review
Posted : 01/10/2013     ID :FWS-R4-ES-2012-0004-0010     Agency : FWS

Dec 03,2012 11:59 PM ET