FR-4616-P-01 Supportive Housing Program

Document ID: HUD-2004-0001-0001


Total: 14
Comment focusing on Section 583.325 under Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Proposed Rule submitted by Ajaz Fiazuddin, Disability Rights Center of Maine
Posted : 09/19/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0002     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment entitled "Change for Supportive Housing Program Under Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)" submitted by Kris Duncan, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (submission incomplete)
Posted : 09/17/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0003     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment focusing on Corporation for Supportive Housing recommendations, regarding Agreement with Project Sponsor (Section 583.405) submitted by Maria Pellerin Barcus, President/CEO, Carrfour Supportive Housing (CSH)
Posted : 09/17/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0004     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment focusing on "occupancy agreements as opposed to a traditional Landlord-Tenant Relationship in Supportive Housing Program (SHP) 24 CFR 583.325" submitted by Joseph G. Finn , Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0005     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comments focusing on "concerns about several provisions in the proposed regulations" submitted by Ruth Schwartz, Executive Director, Shelter Partnership, Inc.
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0006     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment focusing on "concerned about several provisions in the proposed regulations" submitted by Carol Wilkins, Managing Director of Interngovermental Policy, Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)
Posted : 09/17/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0007     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment focusing on HCD expecting that "the new SHP rule to reference all of the pertinent laws regarding accessibility in the diversity of projects funded by the Supportive Housing Program and incorporate the informational concepts of Visitability and Universal Design to the fullest extent possible" submitted by Linda Gardner, Alameda County, Housing and Community Development Department (HCD)
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0008     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comments focusing on "the need to update regulations applicable to the SHP program to ensure consistency with changes in policy that have been enacted by Congress" submitted by Michael J. Fitzpatrick, Executive Director, National Alliance for the Mentally (NAMI)
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0009     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment entitled Supportive Housing Program (SHP) Specific objection to the proposed regulation need to be modify or clarify submitted by Laura J. Waterland, Senior Staff Attorney, Disabilities Law Program of community Legal Aid Society, Inc.
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0010     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment focusing on "the extent to which the new regulations can preserve as much flexibility as possible to ensure that homeless persons are well-served by SHP-funded programs" submitted by Mitchell Netburn, Executive Director, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0011     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment stating that " HUD(s) proposal undermines the Administration(s) goal of ending chronic homelessness and the mandate for community integration of people with disabilities of the Supreme Court's Olmstead decision." submitted by Dorinda L. Wider, Attorney at Law, Legal Aid Society of Minneapolis
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0012     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment focusing on the "Significance of Landlord - Tenant Law in the Supportive Housing Context, HUD(s) Due Process Procedure, and the Standards for Termination of Participation" submitted by Michelle J. Gilbert, Supervisory Attorney and Michelle Wetzel, Staff Attorney, Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago (LAFMC)
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0013     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment focusing on "change will subject supportive housing residents to different treatment than other HUD subsidized residents and encourage discrimination by grantee/landlord" submitted by Sylvia M. Brennan, Esq., National Housing Law Project, et. al.
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0014     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET
Comment stating "The most common result of this action would be to screen out the very tenants that most need help obtaining permanent housing." submitted by Nan Roman, President, National Alliance to End Homelessness (Alliance)
Posted : 09/20/2004     ID :HUD-2004-0001-0015     Agency : HUD

Sep 20,2004 11:59 PM ET