Treatment of Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141

Document ID: IRS-2006-0578-0001


Total: 8
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 03/04/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0004     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 03/04/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0005     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 03/04/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0006     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 03/04/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0007     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 07/02/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0008     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 07/02/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0009     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 07/02/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0010     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Under Section 141
Posted : 08/14/2008     ID :IRS-2006-0578-0011     Agency : IRS

Jan 16,2007 11:59 PM ET