Fisheries of Northeastern United States: Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery; Amendment 15 to Management Plan

Document ID: NOAA-NMFS-2011-0084-0001


Total: 6
Comment from cindi kokell
Posted : 03/24/2011     ID :NOAA-NMFS-2011-0084-0002     Agency : NOAA

May 23,2011 11:59 PM ET
Comment from NOT AVAILABLE N/A
Posted : 03/24/2011     ID :NOAA-NMFS-2011-0084-0003     Agency : NOAA

May 23,2011 11:59 PM ET
Comment from thomas Kokell
Posted : 04/04/2011     ID :NOAA-NMFS-2011-0084-0004     Agency : NOAA

May 23,2011 11:59 PM ET
Comment from brendan & Rachel casey
Posted : 04/04/2011     ID :NOAA-NMFS-2011-0084-0005     Agency : NOAA

May 23,2011 11:59 PM ET
Comment from roy diehl
Posted : 04/11/2011     ID :NOAA-NMFS-2011-0084-0006     Agency : NOAA

May 23,2011 11:59 PM ET
Comment from Shaun Gehan
Posted : 05/26/2011     ID :NOAA-NMFS-2011-0084-0009     Agency : NOAA

May 23,2011 11:59 PM ET