Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation

Document ID: NRC-2008-0404-0001


Total: 159
2008/11/08-Comment (1) of Elizabeth McAlister on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 11/17/2008     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0002     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2008/11/08-Comment (2) of Tom Ferguson on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 11/17/2008     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0003     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2008/11/17-Comment (3) of Stephen Young on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 11/19/2008     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0005     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2008/11/20-Comment (4) of Lloyd Generette on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 12/04/2008     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0010     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2008/11/25-Comment (5) of Lewis Darrell Lacy on Behalf of Nye County Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 12/11/2008     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0011     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2008/11/29-Comment (6) of Anonymous Commenter on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 12/11/2008     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0012     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2008/12/04-Comment (7) of David Wright on Behalf of the Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 12/11/2008     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0013     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/02-Comment (8) of Judy Treichel on Behalf of Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/13/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0014     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/01/28-Comment (9) of John D. Runkle on Behalf of NC WARN on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/18/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0015     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/05-Comment (10) of Dr. Lewis Cuthbert on Behalf of The Alliance for a Clean Environment on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/18/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0016     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/05-Comment (11) of Martin G. Malsch on Behalf of The State of Nevada on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/18/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0017     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/05-Comment (12) of Barbara Byron and Joe Strolin on Behalf of the Western Interstate Energy Board on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/18/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0018     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/05-Comment (13) of Richard Blumenthal on Behalf of the Office of the Attorney General of Connecticut on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/19/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0019     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/05-Comment (14) of Anthony R. Pietrangelo on Behalf of NEI on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/19/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0020     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/05-Comment (15) of Brian W. Hembacher on Behalf of the California Attorney General on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0021     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (16) of Michael S. Callahan on Behalf of Decommissioning Plant Coalition on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0022     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (17) of Irene Navis on Behalf of Clark County, Nevada on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0023     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (18) of Rochelle Becker on Behalf of Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0024     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (19) of Mary Lampert on Behalf of Pilgrim Watch on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0025     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (20) of Don L. Keskey and Ronald C. Callan, Clark Hill Attorneys at Law on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0026     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (21) of The Offices of the Attorneys General of the States of New York and Vermont and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0027     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/03-Comment (22) of James Bradford Ramsay on Behalf of NARUC on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0028     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (23) of Geoffrey H. Fettus on Behalf of NRDC on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0029     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (24) of Philip R. Mahowald on Behalf of Prairie Island Indian Community on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0030     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (25) of Deborah Brancato on Behalf of Riverkeeper, Inc. on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0031     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (26) of Texans for a Sound Energy Policy, et al. on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0032     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (27) of Abigail C. Johnson on Behalf of Eureka County, Nevada on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0033     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/06-Comment (28) of Diane D'Arrigo on Behalf of NIRS on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0034     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/09-Comment (29) of Kevin Kamps on Behalf of Beyond Nuclear on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0035     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET
2009/02/09-Comment (30) of Kevin Kamps on Behalf of Beyond Nuclear on Waste Confidence Decision Update and Consideration of Environmental Impacts of Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel After Cessation of Reactor Operation
Posted : 02/23/2009     ID :NRC-2008-0404-0036     Agency : NRC

Dec 08,2008 11:59 PM ET