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Rulemaking » Importation of Nursery Stock; Postentry Quarantine Requirements for Potential Hosts of Chrysanthemum White Rust and Definition of From
Importation of Nursery Stock; Postentry Quarantine Requirements for Potential Hosts of Chrysanthemum White Rust and Definition of From
Document ID: APHIS-2005-0081-0046
Document Type: Proposed Rule
Agency: Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service
We are withdrawing a proposed rule that would have amended the nursery stock regulations to provide an option in which the postentry quarantine growing period for articles of Chrysanthemum spp., Leucanthemella serotina, and Nipponanthemum nipponicum that are imported from certain locations would have been reduced from 6 months to 2 months, provided that the grower of those plants implemented a systems approach to prevent the imported articles from being infected with chrysanthemum white rust. The proposed rule would also have amended the definition of from. We are taking this action after considering the comments we received following the publication of the proposed rule.
Importation of Nursery Stock; Postentry Quarantine Requirements for Potential Hosts of Chrysanthemum White Rust and Definition of From
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