National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions; Technical Amendment

Document ID: APHIS-2007-0042-0015
Document Type: Rule
Agency: Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service
Topics: Animal Diseases, Poultry and Poultry Products, Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
Federal Register Number: E9-18485
CFR Citation: 9 CFR Part 145
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Details Information

Abstract: In a final rule that was published in the Federal Register on April 1, 2009 (74 FR 14710-14719, Docket No. APHIS-2007-0042), and effective on May 1, 2009, we amended the National Poultry Improvement Plan (the Plan) and its auxiliary provisions by providing new or modified sampling and testing procedures for Plan participants and participating flocks. In that final rule, we amended the U.S. Avian Influenza Clean program for multiplier meat-type chicken breeding flocks to require that 15 birds be tested to retain the classification, rather than 30. However, our amendatory instruction accomplishing this change also amended the program to require multiplier spent fowl to be tested within 15 days prior to movement to slaughter, rather than 30 days. We had intended to retain the 30-day requirement. This document corrects that error.
Document Subtype: Technical amendment
Received Date: August 03 2009, at 12:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Start-End Page: 38326 - 38326
Comment Start Date: August 3 2009, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time


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