We are adopting as a final rule, without change, an interim rule that amended the regulations governing the importation of nursery stock to prohibit the importation of propagative seed of several Rutaceae (citrus family) genera from certain countries where citrus greening or citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) is present. The interim rule also required propagative seed of these genera from all other countries to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with an additional declaration that neither citrus greening nor CVC are known to occur in the country where the seed was produced. We took that action because scientific evidence indicated that seed of certain genera of the family Rutaceae may be a pathway for the introduction of those diseases. The interim rule was necessary in order to prevent the introduction or dissemination of citrus greening or CVC within the United States.
Document Subtype:
Affirmation of an interim rule as a final rule
Received Date:
February 15 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Start-End Page:
8603 - 8605
Comment Start Date:
February 15 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Citrus SeedImports: Citrus Greening and Citrus Variegated Chlorosis
Details Information
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